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  • Writer's pictureCheryl Brown

Steps To Become A Foster/Adoptive Parent - How To Get Into Foster Care

Becoming a foster entails a quite complicated procedure, and rightfully so because the State can’t risk a child’s future without doing due diligence.

For the State of Texas, the whole procedure is broken down into the following 6 steps:

Steps To Become A Foster Parent

Requirements For Becoming A Foster Parent

Before getting down to the step-by-step procedure, let’s take a look at the eligibility criteria for becoming a foster parent:

· Single or married for at least two years

· Have a stable source of income other than the government’s stipends

· Good emotional and mental health

· No criminal history, particularly child abuse

1. Submitting The Application

If you meet the aforementioned requirements for becoming a foster parent, the first step then is to contact the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. You are required to submit a formal application, the acceptance of which relies on multiple factors.

Submission of application is followed by a review process that includes a background check of every member of the household. The whole review and verification process takes, on average, about three months.

2. Attending The Foster Care Orientation

Interested foster parents are invited to attend orientation meetings where they are briefed on the mechanics of the foster care system. The meetings are about an hour long and usually arranged on-site. It also provides an opportunity for potential foster parents to get their questions answered by state officials.

3. STAR Training

STAR stands for Specialized Training And Resources for foster parents. It’s mandatory training for all the new foster parents, which can be around 8 hours long.

The idea behind the STAR training is to prepare the foster parents for the many challenges they may face in the future.

4. CPR And Medications Training

CPR is a life-saving skill. So, it’s not a surprise that foster parents have to go through first aid and CPR training every two years.

Besides CPR, foster parents are also required to take three courses on medication administration. Two of the courses are managed online by the Department of Family and Protective Services Texas. And the other one is taught under the supervision of a registered nurse.

5. Behavioral Intervention Training

Behavioral intervention training is another mandatory training for the parents awaiting the verification process. The training revolves around educating the parents on how to incorporate the idea of SMART in setting behavioral objectives.

6. Safety Assessments

Home screening and safety assessments are the last steps in getting a foster care license. It involves frequent visits to your house and interviews of every member of the household. The home-screen professional primarily notes the relationship status, financial standing, and the overall environment of the house. Once the assessment is complete and your application checks all the boxes, the Area Director approves your foster care license.

Get started now!

It must be clear by now that the road to foster care license is packed with courses, scrutiny, and interviews. But if the application is backed by a strong desire to help children, any difficulties can be easily tackled.

Steps To Become A Foster or Adoptive Parent
Steps To Become A Foster or Adoptive Parent


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